Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Course Prefix/Number/Title: CARS 102/15591/Career Exploration Number of credits: 2 Course Description: The goal of this course is to assist students in creating a career and education plan by using the information they gather about a specific career cluster through informational interviews, job shadows, and labor statistic research Pre-/Co-requisites: NONE Course Objectives: 1. Career Awareness: Achieve a greater knowledge of a specific career field through information interviews, job shadows, and researching economic forces and labor market trends. 2. Research & Critical Thinking Skills: Develop efficient research skills by finding labor market and college cost information relevant to a potential career choice. 3. Decision Making Skills: Develop greater skills in choosing appropriate careers or occupations by using a rational, systematic method of decision making that incorporates one’s knowledge of self, occupation prospects, and the world of work. 4. Portfolio: Achieve greater competence in establishing a major and a career path by constructing a career planning portfolio. Contents of the portfolio would include career interest & ability assessments, personality assessment, and career field research. Instructor: Laura Halvorson Office: TH 1104 Office Hours: 8am-4pm Phone: Work: 701-228-5680 Cell: 701-771-8783 Email: laura.halvorson@dakotacollege.edu Lecture/Lab Schedule: 3:00-3:50pm Textbook(s): None Course Requirements: Grading for this course is by the letter grading system. To earn an A, students must earn a minimum of 725 points out of possible 800. Class Participation 200 points Clusters 100 Points Self-Assessments 100 points Midterm 100 points Informational Interview (2) 200 points Final Project: Cluster presentation/paper 100 Points Total: 800 points