Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

BIO 111 Syllabus • You must inform me that you have testing accommodations THREE days before an exam (ie. need extended time). Email Policy: Dakota College at Bottineau is increasingly dependent upon email as an official form of communication. A student’s campus-assigned email address will be the only one recognized by the campus for official mailings. The liability for missing or not acting upon important information conveyed via campus email rests with the student. Blackboard policy: You are responsible for checking blackboard and doing coursework (pre/post lab quizzes) on blackboard for this class. If you do not do the assignments on blackboard you will get a ZERO for those assignments. Blackboard assignments must be completed by the time and date indicated by each assignment. Pre-lab quizzes are due before class. Post-lab quizzes are assigned after all labs. You will be given 11 pre-lab quizzes and 11 post-lab quizzes. I will drop the lowest score for each pre-lab and post-lab. Cell phone policy: Cell phones will be used in class for answering in-class questions. You will be instructed to use your phone at those times. If you are on your phone while not instructed by myself then I will ask you to leave my class for that day. You should not be texting or on social media while in my class/lecture/lab.