Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Students can earn points for class participation, attendance, assignments, quizzes, and writings. Your final grade will be based on these points. It is your responsibility to keep all assignments that are graded and handed back to you. In the case of a grade dispute, it is the student’s responsibility to provide past assignments to confirm grades. The syllabus is a living document that is subject to change by the instructor and should be read in its entirety the first day of class to understand expectations, eliminate misunderstanding, and to ensure student success in this course. The instructor reserves the right to allow the class agenda to fluctuate as the course progresses and as needed. Absences and Assignment Due Dates: You are expected to attend class. If a student must miss class, he/she must contact the instructor within 24 hours of the class period to be excused. Unless arrangements have been made prior, late assignments will be docked 10% per day late. This is the policy for all assignments. If a missed class occurs, it is your responsibility to obtain the missed information on your own. If you miss an exam you must contact me within 24 hours of the missed exam to arrange for a time to make up the exam. Exams must be made up within 72 hours of the original exam time. If you do not contact me within 24 hours a grade of 0 will be entered for the exam that was missed. Students are only allowed to make up ONE exam per course. The exam grade will be docked 10% per day for late points. Electronic Devices: Silence all electronic devices during class time. Laptops/tablets may be used in lecture for taking notes. I will not tolerate texting, playing games, watching videos or anything else that is disruptive to the class and others around you. You will be asked once to put your device away. If asked again, you will be asked to leave. Do NOT wear headphones during tests. They are not allowed. Student Email Policy: Dakota College at Bottineau is increasingly dependent upon email as an official form of communication. A student’s campus-assigned email address will be the only one recognized by the campus for official mailings. The liability for missing or not acting upon important information conveyed via campus email rests with the student. Academic Integrity: The academic community operates on honesty, integrity, and fair play. It is the expectation that all students, and members of the college community, adhere to the highest levels of academic integrity. Violations of academic improprieties will be handled using the guidelines outlined in DCB’s Student Handbook. Plagiarism: To plagiarize is to “steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one’s own” ( Webster’s Dictionary ). Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this course. When completing a research paper, it is necessary to cite all information gathered from other sources - including direct quotations and paraphrases - within the text of the paper using parenthetical notes at the end of the documents in a works cited list. A handout regarding the MLA guidelines is available at the writing center if you would like further information. Students are expected to follow MLA guidelines for the research paper. If you have any questions - please contact myself or see the learning center for more information. The first time students are found plagiarizing material will receive a “0” for the assignment. The second offense may include dismissal from the course with a failing grade. Cheating: Cheating will NOT be tolerated. Any student found to be cheating will receive a 0 on the assignment; an additional incidence of cheating will result in the student being dismissed from the course. Relationship to Campus Theme: A focus on the growing “green” movement in business marketing and management. Also addressing consumption and the new technologies that are affecting the business industry.