Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
Course Outline Graded items Item Points Percentage Item Points Percentage of Grade Assignments (3@40) 120 12% Weekly Discussion Questions (16@10) 160 16% Quizzes (12@20) 240 24% Mid Term Exam 100 10% Final Exam 200 20% Participation (16@10) 160 16% Introduction 20 2% Total 1000 100% Classroom Policies IMPORTANT : All assignments (unless noted by instructor) are posted on the Blackboard course shell, accessible through the College’s website. Also, all assignments must be submitted electronically through Blackboard. I designed the course shell to not accept any late assignments, so be sure to take the necessary amount of time to appropriately complete and submit the assignment on time. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS ARE ACCEPTED. **If you are experiencing issues with Blackboard, I have no issue with you emailing the assignment to me – there will still be a time stamp on your submission, regardless of which method you use. It is your responsibility to get the assignment to me. ONLINE NATURE OF COURSE To simulate class discussion, I will have you participate in the discussion forums. Protocol for these discussion questions (DQs) is as follows: • You will be required to post one initial discussion question of 125-175 words each week. This will be due by Thursday at 11:59 PM every week. • You will be required to reply to at least one other students' responses per discussion question with a substantial follow-up. This could be a question about what they wrote, expansion on their thoughts, however you see fit. “Susie, I agree with what you wrote” is NOT sufficient. 90% - 100% A 80% - 89% B 70% - 79% C 60% - 69% D Less than 60% F
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