Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Relationship to Campus Theme: A focus on the growing “green” movement in business marketing and management. Also addressing consumption and the new technologies that are affecting the business industry. Students will also understand how to utilize these new ideologies and tools to their benefit, as well as the benefit of the world and society as a whole as emerging leaders. Classroom Policies: Absences and Assignment Due Dates: If a student must miss class, he/she must contact the instructor within 24 hours of the class period. Late assignments will be docked 10% per day late. This is the policy for all assignments in all circumstances. If you email me an assignment, you will get a reply from me to verify that I have received the assignment. If you do not get a receipt from me, I did not get the assignment. It is your job to ensure that I have received the assignment, so if you do not get a response from me within 24 hours of submitting your November 15 W13 In Class Assignment Assignment: Find five examples of advertisements that feature sales promotions. Assignment: Find two examples of articles that contain corporate- generated publicity November 20 W14 Present Examples of promotions and corporate generated publicity. W14 November 22 No class – Thanksgiving break November 27 W15 Chapter 18 Lecture November 29 W15 Chapter 20 Lecture Review for Final Exam December 4 Exam 4 (FINAL) December 6 Wrap up and had back final grades.