Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
Classroom Policies: Missed Classes: Attendance is expected. Unannounced quizzes, tests, and class projects can be made-up only when the instructor excuses students prior to class. You are responsible for the activities of each class period. If you know of a conflict ahead of time, you are welcome to submit assignments early. Recognizing the importance of student participation and interaction with classmates, excessive absences necessitate failure in the class. Assignments: All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date due unless specified prior. Late assignments receive one-half credit minus errors. All late assignments are due before the final examination is administered. Make sure the class name, your name, date due, and exercise number appear in the upper-right corner. If handing in multiple pages, sequence them according to the order in the exercise, and staple in the upper left corner. Electronic Devices: Turn off or mute cellular phones and pagers, NO TEXTING during class, prior permission for computer use is required. I will have my cell phone on for campus emergency notifications. Basically, do not be rude to other students trying to learn. Academic Dishonesty and Grade Appeals: plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and may be punished by failure on exam, paper or project; failure in course; and/or expulsion from the university. For more information, refer to the "Academic Dishonesty" or “Grade Appeal” policy in the university catalog or the student handbook online: http://www.dakotacollege.edu/handbook/ Disabilities and Special Needs: If you have any condition, such as a physical or learning disability, for which you need extra assistance, please see me immediately. If you have already met with Student Development personnel, please provide me with information regarding your special needs as soon as possible so that I can make appropriate accommodations. Student Email Policy: Dakota College at Bottineau is increasingly dependent upon email as an official form of communication. A student’s campus-assigned email address will be the ONLY one recognized by the campus for official mailings. The liability for missing or not acting upon important information conveyed via campus email rests with the student. GRADING: Assignments, quizzes, and tests are computed for total points for the final grade. Percentages (%) are listed below. 90-100= A 80-89=B 70-79=C 60-69=D below 60=F STUDENTS PLEASE NOTE: Videoconferencing classes can be videotaped or streamed at the instructor’s discretion.” Inclement Weather Information – For IVN Sites In the event of poor weather conditions, please call 701-777-6486, press option #5 for the latest information on class cancellations. Trouble Call Phone Number: Students should call the host site number first if a problem occurs during the event. Final Project: Due Thursday December 6, 2018 during the last class period.
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