Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
Minot Campus Welcome to Beginning Algebra ! ASC 094 MWF Syllabus – Fall 2018 Three Credits Instructor: Sarah B Joy Office: 311 Model Hall Contact: sarah.joy@ndus.edu , or 701-858-3160 (Math Office) Office Hours: By Appointment Technical Problems: If you have a technical problem with MyMathLab, please visit http://www.pearsonmylabandmastering.com/northamerica/mymathlab/students/support Class Schedule: MWF 1:00 - 1:50 PM Prerequisites: None Welcome to Beginning Algebra! This three credit course will be 16 weeks. This class does not satisfy college graduation requirements for math but is the first of three required courses needed to graduate from the NDUS colleges and universities. The first two courses are review and the third course, college algebra, is the course which is taken for credit and satisfies the math requirement. Topics covered in this course include properties of numbers, fundamental operations, factoring, fractions, exponents, radicals and equations. This course will utilize the MyMathLab system for homework, while quizzes and tests will be taken on paper in the classroom. Course Objectives In this class you will learn techniques to analyze and solve various types of beginning algebra problems. Calculators are not allowed in this introductory course during exams, therefore you are encouraged to practice your skills and not rely on a calculator to get the answer during class and at home.
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