Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Week 10 - October 23, 25 Mental Health, Crisis Prevention Training, PBIS, Restorative Justice Reading - Mental Health, Brochure/Poster on one of the conditions Week 11 - October 30, November 1 Programming, functional curriculum, Scheduling, supervision of paraprofessionals, planning, room organization, collaboration Explore one of the websites assigned and report out on the site Week 12 - November 6, 8 Assistive Technology, Augmentative Communication Reflection paper Week 13 - November 13, 15 Person Centered Planning, Student Led IEPs Reading - Person Centered Planning module Week 14 - November 20 Job Coach Reading - Job Coach Chapters 1-9 Week 15 - November 27, 29 Adult/Community Services Week 16 - December 4,6 Sensory Needs Final paper due December 7 Final Philosophy of Special Education paper Final - Use the knowledge gained to develop a statement on your philosophy of special education (Tentative) Course assignments and assessments : There will be weekly assignments, readings and assessments. Week Assignment Points Weekly Quizzes or assignments that are done in class. These cannot be made up if you are absent. 60 points 2 IDEA Scavenger Hunt 10 points 3 Exam 1 55 points 4,5 Disability Paper and Presentation 140 points/60 points