Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

● Explain the implications for education IDEA, ADA, 504, ESSA ● Describe the assessment process from pre-referral to IEP ● Define and identify various assistive technology devices from low tech to high tech ● Understand and provide an example of the parts of an Individualized Education Plan ● Develop a secondary transition plan for a student ● Identify possible adult services for a person with a developmental disability ● Define the role of advocacy ● Describe the duties/responsibilities of the team including general education, special education and related services, administrator, paraprofessional and job coach, if needed ● Describe best practices in providing support to adults with developmental disabilities. ● Define person centered planning and student led IEPs. Course Requirements: Grading is based on a standard college curve, where students earn a grade based upon the percent of total points possible. Drop quizzes may not be made up. There is a one week grace period to make up any missed exams or assignments. Any missed exam/work not made up within the allotted time will be given a zero. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule make-up work during a date and time mutually convenient for the student and the instructor. Final letter grades are assigned based on the following criteria: A - 89.5 - 100% of the total points B - 79.5 - <89.5% of the total points C - 69.5 - <79.5% of the total points D - 59.5 - 69.5% of the total points F - <59.5% of the total points Tentative Course Outline (Subject to Change): Week Discussion Topic and Activities Assignments/Readings Week 1 - August 21, 23 Review Syllabus, Overview of the class, Pretest, What do you want to learn? Reading - Supporting Individuals with Disabilities, Chapters 1-5