Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
SPED 101 Introduction to Developmental Disabilities Dakota College at Bottineau Brochure Project: Students will select three syndromes or disorder from found in chapters 10-20 to research and gain a greater understanding of the condition. Students will then present their findings in the form of a collaborative wiki. 1K1, 2K1, 9S9 20 points brochure + 10 pts discuss each x 3 = 90 pts total + dis selection 10pt. Assistive Technology Project: Students will create an assistive technology device that they could use for a student with special needs, write a brief summary of their project, and present it to the class. 1K2, 2K1, 3S1, 4K2, 4S1, 4S3, 4S4, 4S5, 7S2, 9S5 20 points Person-Centered Plan: Students will create a person-centered plan for an individual with a disability, based on an identified objective, lesson and goal. 2K1, 3K1, 10K2, 8K1, 3S1, 7S2 20 points Transition Plan: Students will write a transition plan for a student with a disability 1K1, 1K2, 2K1, 3K1, 10K1, 7S2, 9S5 20 points Rights Assignment 1K1, 2K1, 3K1, 3S1, 4S1, 4S3, 4S4, 4S5, 9S5 20 points Philosophy of Developmental Disabilities- Students will use their knowledge and skills to reflect upon the semester to create a statement on their philosophy of developmental disabilities. Steps to creating this philosophy statement include 1) An outline = 10 pts, 2) Statement Draft = 10 pts, 3) Final Statement =40 pts 1K1, 2K1, 3K1, 4K2, 10K1, 10K2, 3S1, 4S1, 4S3, 4S4, 4S5, 9S5 60 points total (cumulative project) Total Course Points 640 General Education Goals/Objectives: • Students will demonstrate an understanding of human development. • Students will develop and identify techniques for working with and interacting with others with and without disabilities. Relationship to Campus Theme: “Nature, Technology, and Beyond” The purpose of the Education and Human Development Discipline is to educate students for careers as paraeducators, teachers, early childhood professionals and adult caregivers. The discipline provides coursework which transitions into higher degrees and work-related skills. Programs must prepare professionals based on industry standards and provide and educational continuum for degree advancement. Dakota College at Bottineau is committed to hands on learning environment and uses field experiences in educational setting as a common instructional techniques. Class Policies: • Students are required to engage in regular participation, logging into class 2-3 times each week. • Students are to complete all assignments, discussions, tests and quizzes in a timely manner and in the order they are assigned. • Late Work: All late work will be deducted 10%. Late work will be accepted through week 13 of the course. Late work submitted after week 13 will receive a zero. • Communicate regularly and professionally with the instructor and fellow students. • Be prepared when class starts by ordering textbooks early. • Follow campus ethics policy on written work. Grades: Grades are earned through points and converted into a percentage. Percentages are calculated by dividing the total points earned by the total points possible. Grades are assigned to percentages:
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