Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

SPED 101 Introduction to Developmental Disabilities Dakota College at Bottineau The student will have the ability to: CEC Standard Evidence/Criteria Demonstrate sensitivity to the diversity of individuals and families SEP3S1 Quiz; Final, Brochure Project; BB Use strategies, equipment, materials and technologies, as directed, to accomplish instruction objectives SEP4S1 Quiz; AT Project Use strategies as directed to facilitate effective integration into various settings SEP4S3 Quiz; AT Project; Final Use strategies that promote the learner’s independence as directed SEP4S4 Quiz; AT Project; Final Use strategies as directed to increase the individual’s independence and confidence SEP4S5 Quiz; AT Project; Final Prepare and organize materials to support teaching and learning as directed SEP7S2 AT Project; Transition Plan Demonstrate commitment to assisting learners in achieving their highest potential SEP9S5 Quiz; AT Project; Transition Plan; Final CEC Standards SEP9S7-SEP9S13 are embedded in all coursework and practicum. Course Requirements: Independent Practice : Each week a topic is posed and reading assignments are posted. This strengthens the connection between course content with the application of these concepts. Discussions must be started by Thursday of each week to allow for others to respond. Assignments: Lesson assignments are due every Sunday by midnight with exception to the final week of the course. All work is due the final Friday of the course. Assessments/Exams/Quizzes: Two exams will be given in addition to content quizzes. Final Project : Statement of Philosophy of Developmental Disabilities Description of Assignment/Assessment CEC Standard Points Possible Building Block Talks: Students are expected to participate in discussions, designed to facilitate the learning process. Activity Specific 10 points each x 10 = 100 pts Quizzes & Exams: There will be multiple quizzes throughout the semester, as well as two exams. 1K1, 2K1, 3K1, 4K2, 10K1, 10K2, 3S1, 4S1, 4S3, 4S4, 4S5, 9S5 10 CQs @ 20 pts ea = 200 pts 2 Exams @ 50 points each = 100