Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Grades will be based on total points using the following grading scale: A= 90-100% B= 80-89.5% C= 70-79.5% D=60-69.5% F= <59.5% General Education Goals & Objectives 1. 2. 3. Relationship to Campus Theme: This course addresses the campus them by incorporating role chemistry plays in our everyday life and the impact it has on our natural world. In addition students will use technology to conduct labs as well as study how technology can be used in chemistry. The course will address the role of chemistry in their everyday life as well as in the future. Classroom Policies: 1) Cell phones, electronic devices & using headphones are prohibited in the classroom. It is recommended that you do not bring these devices into the classroom or have them on silent and placed on the table in front of you. 2) Food and beverages are permitted in accordance with IVN classroom policy. 3) Be respectful of other students, technicians, instructors and guests Academic Integrity All students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. Dishonesty in the classroom or laboratory with assignments, quizzes and exams will not be tolerated. Refer to the student handbook for further information. Disabilities and Special Needs: If you have a disability for which you require accommodations, you are encouraged to contact; Jacalyn Migler 228-567 2 jacalyn.migler@dakotacollege.edu to request disability support services as early as possible during the beginning of the semester.