Fall 2018 Course Syllabi
Order by e-mail: bookstore@dakotacollege.edu or Order online: http://www.dakotacollege.edu/bookstoreorder.php Course Requirements: There are weekly deadlines for completing assignments. Discussion Forums: Each week, you will have one or more discussion forums (one for each chapter.) For each forum, you will need to post one answer to a question, two replies to other students’ answers, and two replies to students who have replied to you. Forums will close on Saturday nights at 11:45 p.m. If you wait until Saturday night to post your answer, other students will not have time to reply to you, and you will not have time to reply to them, resulting in a loss of points for you. So please, make the discussion forums your first priority each week in this class. Homework Assignments: During the term, you will have six short papers (one-half to one page each) due in the drop box. The deadline for submitting this homework to the drop box is 11:45 p.m. Saturday nights. Paper: A research paper is due the last week of the term. The topic for your paper is due during the first few weeks of the term. Both are to be submitted to the drop box just like homework assignments. Quizzes: Each week you will need to take a quiz (one for each chapter.) There is no time limit on the quizzes, and you can take each one as many times as you like. The highest grade you earn will be the grade recorded in the gradebook. The quiz for each week will be available until 11:45 p.m. Saturday night. Final Exam: The final exam will be taken at the end of the term. It will have a time limit, and it can only be taken once. Attendance: Regular participation is expected. Students should complete all assignments by the due dates.
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