Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

3 10/17 10/19 Wednesday Friday Review Exam #2 5-8 5-8 Week 10 10/22 10/24 10/26 Monday Wednesday Friday Thinking and Language Thinking and Language Intelligence 9 9 10 Week 11 10/29 10/31 11/2 Monday Wednesday Friday Intelligence Intelligence Motivation and Work (Vocab Quiz #4 Due) 10 10 11 Week 12 11/5 11/7 11/9 Monday Wednesday Friday Motivation and Work Body Image/Body Dissatisfaction Stress and Health 11 12 Week 13 11/12 11/14 11/16 Monday Wednesday Friday Veteran’s Day (No Class) Stress and Health Review 12 9-12 Week 14 11/19 11/21 11/23 Monday Wednesday Friday Exam #3 Psychological Disorder Thanksgiving Break (No Class) 9-12 14 Week 15 11/26 11/28 11/30 Monday Wednesday Friday Psychological Disorders Social Psychology Social Psychology 14 16 16 Week 16 12/3 12/5 12/7 Monday Wednesday Friday Social Psychology (Vocab Quiz #5 Due) Review Exam #4 16 14 & 16 14 & 16 ***The final will NOT be given early. You must take the final during the final exam time, no exceptions. General Education Goals/Objectives: • Goal 1: Explains the interrelationships between humans and their environment and the role of science in their lives. • Goal 4: Demonstrate Effective Communication • Goal 6: Demonstrates the knowledge of the human experience throughout history Relationship to Campus Theme: Campus theme: Nature, Technology, and Beyond • Students will be familiar with the technological tools used to investigate the mind and our behavior. • Students will be familiar with how nature influences our own (psychological) development. • Students will use critical thinking to understand the importance of psychology now, and in the future. Classroom Policies: • Participation . Students are expected to come to class prepared and actively engage in class discussion and activities. The classroom environment is open and harassment free, so please engaged in discussion. Computers are welcome in the classroom for note-taking purposes only. If students abuse this privilege, the instructor reserves the right to ban computers from the lecture periods. • Deadlines . All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day that they are due. Students will be deducted 5 points for every 24-hour period the assignment is not turned in, including weekends. If a student is aware that they will miss an exam, they must inform the instructor at least two weeks prior to the missed exam. An essay exam (worth 50 points) will substitute for the missed exam. This exam must be taken before the scheduled exam date. If a student is sick or experiences unforeseen circumstances where an exam must be missed , the instructor must be informed immediately and proper documentation must be presented (e.g.,