Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Instructor: Amy Koehler Office: Molberg Center; Room 27 Office Hours: By arrangement Phone: 701-228-5605 Email: amy.k oehler@dakotacollege.edu Lecture/Lab Schedule: MW 8:00am-9:50am Lab F 8-8:50am Textbook(s): Recommended not Required Practical Horticulture 7 th Edition Laura Williams Rice Robert P. Rice Jr. Prentice Hall Publishers ISBN# 978- 0-13-503866-6 Course Requirements: Four hourly exams (100 pts each) Weekly lab assignments (10 pts each) Semester Writing Exercise (100 pts) Weekly Assigned Supplement Material Readings (Provided) and Reflective Writings (10 pts each) Assigned Class Presentations (10 pts each) Reflective Writing Assignments will be assigned with prompts throughout the semester and graded based on a rubric that looks for addressing of prompt, depth of understanding, use of technical information, language use, and overall synthesis of content. This is a powerful learning tool as it integrates experience with knowledge gathering and seeks to integrate the two to demonstrate higher level learning than what would be assessed in examinations. Semester Writing Exercise will require you to select a horticultural crop of your interest by the second week of class. A crop may be of ornamental, medicinal, fiber or nutritional (You may not choose one of the crops featured in “Botany of Desire”). The paper will be developed over the entire semester in five sections; 1) history of the crop, i.e., climatic, soil and regional origin, role in human culture, etc.; 2) culture and production of the crop; 3) pest management issues that might include potential for organic production; and 4) role of the crop in modern society including a discussion of emerging issues associated with the crop.