Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Goals Level Description Objective - Outcomes Knowledge Recognize students’ ability to use rote memorization and recall certain facts Student will be able to recall the five elements of a legally binding contract including: (1) offer; (2) acceptance; (3) consideration; (4) mutuality of obligation; (5) competency and capacity. Comprehension Involves students’ ability to read course content, understand and interpret important information and put other’s ideas into their own words Student will be able to summarize the issues in business law segments and articulate contractual considerations. Application Students take new concepts and apply them to another situation Students will apply previously learned information about business issues and subsequent contract law and reach a conclusion via class discussion, case studies and exams. The students will demonstrate knowledge of foundational elements. Analysis Students have the ability to take new information and break it down into parts to differentiate between them Student will analyze business topics and debate the strengths and weaknesses of the case law. Synthesis Students are able to use foundational principles of contracts and apply them to complex business transactions The student will integrate business ethics with legal principles, formulate an approach to complex business transaction by outlining facts and considerations and reach a defensible opinion.