Monday August 26th
11:30 – 1:00pm
We invite you to meet new and returning students. The goal of this event is for DCB students to see what Bottineau has to offer, and for you to have the chance to promote your business. Please base your table around information for new Bottineau residents. Since it is over the noon hour, food is welcome. Some ideas may be a special you offer or an ethnic food for the Bottineau area. Students are not required to attend, so fun games, door prizes, and food will encourage them to take a “TOUR’tle of Bottineau”
The event finishes off our freshman orientation weekend. We expect between 100-150 students to attend. DCB will provide you with a table, two chairs, and electricity available upon request. There is no fee to set up. We just ask that you extend an open hand and introduce yourself-your business-your support-your events-your friendship, and whatever your specialty is to the students, so they know what a welcoming community we have in Bottineau.
This will allow us to make a checklist for the students to complete while attending and submit for a drawing.