DCB catalog 2022-24

Course Descriptions 95 An internship is required of most AAS programs. This course is available to AA and AS students as well. The students combine course learning with practical, professional work experiences in their chosen field of study. The employer does an evaluation of the work experience: the faculty advisor supervises the students; the students are required to complete a project assigned by the faculty advisor. A minimum of 40 hours of work is required to earn one credit. A grade of satisfactory/unsatisfactory is given by the faculty. ALLIED HEALTH (AH) AH 134 Medical Disorders (3CR) Fall, Spring. Pre: None This course provides the student with a basic understanding of human diseases and appropriate interventions. Content includes statistics, risk factors, signs and symptoms, diagnostic studies, and treatments specific to each disease/disorder. AH 136 Clinical Procedures (3CR) Fall, Spring; Pre/Co: AH 134, AH 171 This course has been designed to introduce the student to the duties and responsibilities of medical assistants in clinical practice. Course content includes data collection and documentation, legal issues, physical exams, laboratory and other diagnostic studies, treatment modalities, emergencies, vital signs, and infection control. AH 137 Clinical Specialties (2CR) Fall, Spring. Pre/Co: AH 171, AH 134 This course will focus on the knowledge and procedures related to the specialty areas in a clinical setting: geriatrics, OB-GYN, pediatrics, emergencies, and cardiology. AH 138 Medical Coding I (3CR) Fall. Pre: AH 171, AH 134 This course teaches the basic skills needed for medical coding. Emphasis on CPT coding with practical application. AH 139 Medical Coding II (3CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: AH 171, AH 134 This course teaches the basic skills needed for medical coding. The course is an overview of basic coding principles of ICD-10 coding. AH 142 Intermediate Coding I (3CR) Fall, Spring. Pre: AH 138, AH 139 This course gives students the opportunity to analyze medical case studies and code medical records using both CPT and ICD-10 coding methods. AH 143 Intermediate Coding II (3CR) Fall, Spring. Pre: AH 142 This course gives students the opportunity to analyze medical case studies and code medical records using both CPT and ICD-10 coding methods. AH 171 Medical Terminology (3CR) Fall, Spring. Pre: None