DCB catalog 2024-25

49 North Dakota University System GERTA (General Education Requirement Transfer Agreement) The North Dakota University System (NDUS) GERTA was developed to assist students who transfer within the NDUS and within North Dakota tribal and private colleges who participate in GERTA. The GERTA agreement states that general education courses taken at any GERTA institution count upon transfer toward the general education requirements at all GERTA institutions in one of the following two ways: • If the general education coursework includes courses from each of these General Education Areas (GEA) totaling at least 36 semester hours and the courses complete the general education requirements of the institution from which the student transfers, then the student is deemed to have completed the lower division general education requirements of the institution to which the courses are transferred. • In all other cases the general education courses from the GEA are applicable to an appropriate general education requirement of the institution to which they transferred. The number of credits required to complete the general education requirement in each GEA is determined by the policies of the institution to which the courses are transferred. The following list indicates the GERTA general education areas and the Dakota College courses that have been approved for the purpose of meeting general education requirements for transfer to other NDUS institutions. 1. ENGLISH COMPOSTION (ND: ENGL) ENGL 110 College Composition I ........................ 3 ENGL 120 College Composition II ....................... 3 ENGL 125 Intro to Professional Writing .............. 3 2. SPEECH (ND: COMM) COMM 110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking ... 3 3. FINE ARTS (ND: COMM) ART 110 Intro to Visual Art ................................. 3 ART 210 Art History I .......................................... 3 ART 211 Art History II ......................................... 3 ART 182 .............................................................. 3 PHOT 180 Photography I .................................... 3 4. HUMANITIES (ND: HUM) ART 110 Intro to Visual Art ................................. 3 ART 210 Art History I .......................................... 3 ART 211 Art History II ......................................... 3 ENGL 211 Introduction to Creative Writing ........ 3 ENGL 220 Introduction to Ligerature ................. 3 ENGL 221 Introduction to Drama ....................... 3 ENGL 225 Introduction to Film ........................... 3 ENGL 236 Women in Literature .......................... 3 ENGL 238 Children’s Literature .......................... 3 ENGL 242 World Literature II .............................. 3 ENGL 251 British Literature I .............................. 3 ENGL 252 British Literature II ............................. 3 ENGL 261 American Literature I ......................... 3 ENGL 262 American Literature II ........................ 3 ENGL 278 Alternative Literature ......................... 3 HUM 101 Introduction to Humanities I .............. 3 HUM 102 Introduction to Humanities II ............. 3 THEA 201 ............................................................ 3 WS 110 Introduction to Women’s Studies ......... 3 5. HISTORY (ND: HIST) HIST 101 Western Civilization I ........................... 3 HIST 102 Western Civilization II .......................... 3 HIST 103 U.S. History to 1877 ............................. 3 HIST 104 U.S. History Since 1877 ........................ 3 HIST 220 North Dakota History .......................... 3 HIST 211 World Civilization to 1500 ................... 3 HIST 224 American Studies I ............................... 3 6. SOCIAL SCIENCE (ND: SS) ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics ........... 3 ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics ........... 3 POLS 115 American Government ....................... 3 PSYC 111 Introduction to Psychology ................. 3 PSYC 250 Developmental Psychology ................. 3 PSYC 270 Abnormal Psychology ......................... 3 PSYC 280 Intro to Health Psychology ................. 3 SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology ..................... 3 SOC 251 Gerontology ......................................... 3 7. LABORATORY SCIENCE (ND:LABSC) BIOL 111 Concepts of Biology ............................. 4 BIOL 115 Concepts of Anatomy & Physiology .... 4 BIOL 121 Introduction to Fish & Wildlife ............ 3 BIOL 122 Wildlife & Fisheries Techniques .......... 4 BIOL 124 Environmental Science ........................ 4