DCB catalog 2024-25

47 Academic Curricula Transfer Curricula Dakota College offers the applicable freshman and sophomore course work for most bachelor’s degree programs. The following suggested course sequences or curriculum outlines are included in this catalog: Accounting Elementary Education Pharmacy Agriculture English Physical Education Biology Health Professions Psychology Business Administration History Secondary Education Business Education Human Services Social Science Chemistry Liberal Arts Special Education Computer Information Systems Marketing & Management Veterinary Science Early Childhood Education Mathematics Wildlife Management Economics Natural Resource Management Transfer to Other Colleges The North Dakota University System is working to make transfers easier. Students can help facilitate the transfer process by taking the following into consideration: The requirements of colleges and universities throughout the United States vary so widely that it is not possible to prescribe a curricular program which will apply to all of them. Therefore, students need to familiarize themselves with the requirements of their program at the college to which they may transfer. This college or university, in the final analysis, determines the acceptability of transfer credits. Following is a list of activities students intending to transfer can follow to ease their transition to another campus. 1. Plan ahead. 2. Decide on your major as early as possible — especially if it might be a highly structured curriculum. 3. Work closely with your faculty advisor to select courses that will meet the requirements of the receiving institution. 4. Contact the Admissions Office of the school you plan to attend. Find out if your intended major has any special admission requirements and whether the school has information to help transfer students plan ahead. General Education Philosophy General education exists on the Dakota College campus to provide students with an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills to become life-long learners in a dynamic, global community. At Dakota College, general education exists within all degree programs. The core of general education includes building knowledge and understanding concepts of the natural and social sciences, mathematics, communication, arts and humanities, technology, and wellness. The specific competencies of general education reflect the commitment to the campus focus of Nature, Technology, and Beyond and are as follows: Nature Identifies the interrelationships between humans and their environment Technology Demonstrates technological literacy Demonstrates the ability to solve a variety of mathematical problems