DCB catalog 2024-25

29 In compliance with the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, section 3679 of title 38, Dakota College will permit any covered individual to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33 (a “certificate of eligibility” can also include a “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) website – eBenefits, or a VAF 28- 1905 form for chapter 31 authorization purposes) and ending on the earlier of the following dates: 1. The date on which payment from VA is made to the institution. 2. 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the Certificate of Eligibility (COE). NOTE: A covered individual is any individual who is entitled to educational assistance under chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or chapter 33, post-9/11 GI Bill™ benefits. Dakota College will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA under chapter 31 or 33.” Academic Information Full-Time Student A full-time student is one who has satisfied admission requirements and is enrolled in at least 12 semester hours of credit. Part-Time Student A part-time student is one who has satisfied admission requirements and is enrolled in less than 12 semester hours of credit. Non-Degree Student A non-degree student is any student who is not pursuing a degree or has not met admission requirements. Non- degree students who later decide to earn a degree must submit a new application for admission to select a program of study and satisfy admission requirements. Freshman/Sophomore A Freshman is a student who has satisfactorily met all entrance requirements and has earned less than 24 credits. A Sophomore is a student who has satisfactorily met all entrance requirements and has earned 24 or more credits. Auditor An auditor attends class as a listener without the privilege of participating in regular class work. An auditor may participate in class activities at the discretion of the instructor. A student may change their status in a course from “credit” to “audit” or vice versa up through the last day to add for the term. This must be done on the form Request to Audit a Class, available on the website under Student Forms. No credit is awarded for an audited course, and an auditor may not later establish credit in that course by taking a special examination. An auditor must meet entrance requirements and follow all standard admissions procedures. An auditor pays 50% of the regular, per credit tuition charge for the course. No financial aid will be awarded for courses that are audited. Persons 65 years of age or older may audit on-campus courses at no charge on a space available basis.