DCB catalog 2022-24

Course Descriptions 145 problematic to society. We will examine the social, economic, and ideological causes and solutions of racism, sexism, homophobia, wealth and poverty, crime and violence, drug and alcohol abuse, and human population and environmental changes. SOC 220 The Family (3CR) Spring Pre: None The social institution of the family will be analyzed by the sociological perspective. Analyzation and evaluation of the factors (courtship, marriage, child-parent relationships, divorce) that create, maintain, or change social problems in our society will be a focus. We will study and learn about the contemporary American family by considering social class, ethnic background, and diverse family situations. SOC 251 Gerontology (3CR); Fall, Spring; Pre: None This course includes the analysis of aging within the context of the life cycle with emphasis on the major concerns of the elderly and social policies, especially Social Security, and health care, which have an impact on the lives of the elderly. SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL) SOIL 210 Introduction to Soil Science (3CR); Fall, Spring; Pre: None The physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils as they are related to use, conservation and plant growth in rural and urban environments will be discussed. SOIL 222 Soil Fertility and Fertilizers (3CR) Pre: None Introduction to basic principles of soil science and the study of soil properties such as physical, chemical, and biological and how each relates to the crop production resources and the environment. SPECIAL EDUCATION (SPED) SPED 101 Introduction to Developmental Disabilities (3 CR); Fall; Pre: None This course examines the diverse forms of developmental disabilities (DD), legal and ethical factors when working in the DD profession, common philosophies of service to individuals with DD, and developing/planning a team when providing service to individuals with DD. SPED 110 Introduction to Exceptional Children (3 CR); Spring; Pre: None The course introduces and examines exceptionalities of learning with a focus on under- standing current social and educational responsibilities. THEATRE (THEA) THEA 201 Theatre Practicum (1CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: None Participation in various activities of theatrical production. This course may be repeated. TOURISM (TOUR) TOUR 212 Principles of Tourism (3 CR) Fall Even Years; Pre: None Overview of tourism including historical issues and current trends, travel behavior, tourism planning and policy, tourism impacts and tourism promotion.