DCB catalog 2022-24

Course Descriptions 143 aspects of social consequences and treatment options offered in the past and at the current time. PSYC 280 Introduction to Health Psychology (3CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: PSYC 111 Describes the interaction of psychology and health, including the ways in which thoughts, emotions, and behavior influence one's health. RANGE SCIENCE (RNG) RNG 225 Introduction to Natural Resources (3CR) Fall; Pre: None This course explores the history, ecological, and social foundations of the conservation movement regarding natural resources at a state, national, and global levels. A wide range of perspectives is presented to help students develop a personal philosophy towards natural resources. Topics covered will include resource management of soil, water, forests, wetlands, coasts, wildlife, and food systems. The course also explores jobs in the Natural Resources world and offers opportunities to investigate career paths. Introduction to scientific theories and their relation to natural resources and agriculture. Influence of these theories on current perspectives toward the environment. RNG 236 Introduction to Range Management (4CR) Fall; Pre: BIOL 150, BIOL 211, or Instructor Approval Principles of range management include plant identification, range evaluation, and range improvement. RECREATION AND LEISURE SERVICES (RLS) All RLS courses are only available online. RLS 110 Foundations of Recreation (3 CR) Fall; Pre: None Orientation to historical and philosophical background of the recreation and leisure movement, recreation organizations, and professional development. RLS 210 Environmental Education (3 CR) Fall; Pre: None An introduction to the fields of environmental education including nature education, outdoor education, and conservation education. Philosophies and methodologies appropriate for a basic understanding of environmental education. RLS 212 Principles of Interpretation (3 CR) Spring; Pre: None A study of interpretive program preparation and physical site planning for interpretive services. Focus on principles and methods to interpret natural and cultural history in parks and other outdoor settings. RLS 215 Recreation Areas & Facilities (3 CR); Fall, Spring; Pre: None Design, operation, and maintenance of recreation areas and facilities. RLS 222 Recreation Program Planning (3 CR) Fall & Spring Odd Years; Pre: None Development of programming skills for recreation programs in various settings, i.e., public, non-profit, and private, with emphasis on planning, implementation, and evaluation. RLS 271 Fundamentals of Recreation and Resource Management (3 CR) Spring Even Years; Pre: None An overview of the use of natural environments as formal and informal settings for leisure and recreation involvement and the interrelationship among people, the environment and leisure. Focuses on the principles of managing outdoor recreation