DCB catalog 2022-24

128 Course Descriptions This introductory course teaches students the importance of a weight training program, weight room safety, etiquette, and lifelong fitness. HPER 110 Sports Officiating – Fall (1CR) Fall; Pre: None This course will acquaint students with the rules, qualifications, ethics, techniques, conduct, proper signals, and appearance in officiating various sports. Students earning credit in the class and passing the appropriate rules test will become apprentice officials in that sport. HPER 150 Varsity Athletics – Freshman (1CR) Fall; Pre: None HPER 151 Varsity Athletics – Freshman (1CR) Spring; Pre: None This course requires first year active participation in a varsity sport. The varsity sports for which students may register during the fall semester are volleyball, hockey, and basketball. Students in varsity sports may register for hockey, baseball, basketball, fast- pitch softball and clay target shooting during the spring semester. HPER 205 Physical Education for Elementary Children (2CR) Spring; Pre: None A study of the elementary school physical education program with emphasis on the content, purposes, and techniques of an elementary program. Students will observe and critique elementary physical education classes as well as develop and instruct an elementary physical education unit. HPER 207 Prevention and Care of Injuries (2CR) Spring; Pre: HPER 210 or Instructor Approval This course will acquaint the student with the field of athletic training, its attendant administrative problems and the type of scientific knowledge and duties necessary for instituting a program of injury management. It will include information on the cause of injury, the basis for training and conditioning and injury prevention, the psychogenetic and metabolic factors in sports, bandaging techniques, first aid operational and organizational procedures related to staff relationships, legal implications, budgeting, record keeping and insurance. HPER 208 Introduction to Physical Education (2CR) Spring; Pre: None The nature and scope of physical education and sports by means of a critical examination of sports, play, exercise, coaching, and social issues dealing with sports. HPER 210 First Aid/CPR (1CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: None First aid basics, CPR and AED instruction with hands-on practice in accordance with the American Heart Association guidelines. Certification cards for Heartsaver first aid and CPR/AED will be issued upon successful completion of the course. HPER 213 Taping and Bracing (2CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: None Taping and Bracing will focus on the stabilizing procedures used to assist in the healing process of athletic injuries. A hands-on approach will be used throughout the course. HPER 217 Personal and Community Health (3CR) Fall; Pre: None A course designed to acquaint the student with those principles and practices which will ensure the maintenance of conditions necessary for wholesome personal and community living. Economic, social, and legal aspects of health preservation and disease prevention will be emphasized. HPER 220 Emergency Medical Technician (4CR) Fall; Pre: None HPER 221 Emergency Medical Technician (4CR) Spring; Pre: HPER 220 The Emergency Medical Technician-Basic course follows the current national standard curriculum. This course will include the necessary lectures and practical skills required to prepare the student for emergency care at the basic life support level. The modules