DCB catalog 2022-24

Course Descriptions 127 This course covers the history, value, political and economic conditions which influence the development and provision of social welfare services. GERO 285 Home Health Financial Management (1CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: None This course covers financial practices for individuals providing home health care services. Topics include maintaining records of services and expenses, setting fees, billing, Medicaid, IRS reporting, financial statements, budgeting, insurance, retirement planning, etc. HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RECREATION (HPER) HPER 100 Concepts of Wellness and Fitness (2CR) Fall, and Spring; Pre: None This course is designed to teach the role of physical activity in maintaining adequate health and improving health and wellness. It is designed to incorporate ideas through lectures and activity. The class is intended for students of all ages, teaches facts about exercise, and improving quality of life. HPER 101 Activity – Canoeing (.5CR) Fall; Pre: None This course enables students to learn the basic techniques of canoeing. The class will include canoeing at one of the local lakes. HPER 101 Activity – Downhill Skiing/Snowboarding (.5CR) Spring; Pre: None This course will include learning and participating in recreational skiing and/ or snowboarding. This course will be taught at Bottineau Winter Park from mid-January to mid-March. HPER 101 Activity – Ice Fishing (.5CR) Spring; Pre: None This course will introduce students to the equipment and techniques used to successfully catch fish in a winter environment. Emphasis will also be placed on fishing regulations and ethical angling behavior. HPER 101 Activity – Golf (.5CR) Spring; Pre: None This course will include basic swing instruction, course etiquette, and participation at the local country club. HPER 101 Activity – Leisure Activities (.5CR) Spring; Pre: None This course will include such recreational games as indoor racquet sports and other common games played for recreation. HPER 101 Activity – Martial Arts (1CR) Spring; Pre: None This course is a study of Martial Science. Taijutsu means “body technique” and is a term used to refer to the body dynamics or body mechanics of a self-defense technique. It is used to refer to the entire technique itself. Taijutsu can be divided into dakentaijutsu, or striking techniques, and jutaijutsu, grappling techniques. Martial Science is the study of these techniques and the principles and dynamics that make them work. HPER 101 Activity – Running (.5CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: None This is an activity course designed to help participants learn about the benefits of running, explain how running can be a part of a safe and realistic fitness plan, and discuss how to maintain or improve their fitness level by running. HPER 101 Activity – Walking (.5CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: None The purpose of this class is to assist the student in the improvement of their cardiovascular fitness through walking. HPER 101 Activity – Weight Training (.5CR) Fall; Pre: None