DCB catalog 2022-24

124 Course Descriptions A general introduction to film studies, including analysis of narrative and stylistic elements of films. ENGL 236 Women and Literature (3CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: None The study of literary texts by and about women including gender roles as a literary theme. ENGL 238 Children’s Literature (3CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: None The study of texts suitable for reading by elementary-aged school children with emphasis on the analysis of literary characteristics which determine age-appropriateness. ENGL 242 World Literature II (3CR) Spring; Pre: None Continuing survey of the western European tradition, including representative text from the Renaissance through the modern world. ENGL 251 British Literature I (3CR) Fall; Pre: None A survey of major works and writers in British Literature from the Anglo-Saxon period through the Eighteenth Century. ENGL 252 British Literature II (3CR) Fall; Pre: None A survey of major works and writers in British Literature from the Romantic Age to the present. ENGL 261 American Literature I (3CR) Fall; Pre: None A survey of major works and writers in American Literature from the British Colonial Period through the Civil War. ENGL 262 American Literature II (3CR) Fall; Pre: None A survey of major works and writers in American Literature from the Civil War to the present. ENGL 278 Alternative Literature (3CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: None This course examines literary works in genres frequently judged “outside” the literary canon, such as science fiction, detective stories, ethnic, and beat literature and focuses on the literary qualities they with “high” literature. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY (ENVT) ENVT 105 Surveying (1CR) Spring; Pre: None Basic methods in the use of surveying instruments for obtaining field data and valid measurement. ENVT 110 Introduction to GPS (2CR) Spring; Pre: None This course provides an overview of geographic positioning systems (GPS), including theory, implementation and operations of GPS data gathering systems. ENVT 255 Introduction to GIS (4CR) Spring; Pre: ENVT 110 This course covers underlying geographic concepts including world coordinate systems and projections, vector map topology, tiled and layered maps, standard computer map file formats, urban applications, and emphasis will be given to natural resource applications. This course also provides computer lab tutorials and case studies using the GIS software, ArcGIS 10 from Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). ENVT 270 Water Resource Management (4CR) Fall; Pre: None This course is designed to assist students in integrating the interdisciplinary aspects of the biological, chemical, and physical sciences into a holistic approach to managing