DCB catalog 2024-25

111 CIS 235 Digital Video Basics (3CR) Fall. Pre: None This course will introduce students to a digital video editing application. The students will learn how to gather loose artwork, video clips, bitmap images, and vector graphics and bring them together to create a new video product. The student will gain an understanding of how to work with transitions, clips, audio, titles, video effects and animating clips. In this course they will also explore editing techniques and exporting options into a movie, frame, Edit Decision List, or a filmstrip. CIS 241 Introduction to Digital Forensics (3CR) Fall. Pre: None This course introduces the principles that are essential to the management of digital investigation, providing a framework that includes technical, legal, and managerial issues. Students will examine the mission of digital investigations from the various perspectives of the public and private sectors, including digital forensics in support of activities ranging from internal corporate investigations, responses to information security incidents, and policy auditing to third-party investigations, criminal investigations, and anti-terrorism informational gathering – and discussing the imperatives of each. As relevant, the impact of international and cultural issues, as well as geopolitics will be an essential part of class discussion. The capacity to make decisions based on organizational and personal values with which to pursue organization goals will be explored. CIS 248 Digital Media I (3CR) Spring. Pre: None Technical and conceptual foundations of new media will be explored. Understand and write critically and clearly about the fundamentals of digital tools, including networking, participatory culture, copyright, hypertext, narrative, interactivity, and computer games. CIS 261 Cybersecurity and Ethics (3CR) Spring. Pre: None This course presents the student with issues of law and ethics in cyberspace. Topics covered include government regulation of online behavior, constitutional considerations concerning free speech and content controls, intellectual property, hacking, and the ethics of internet behavior. This course will explore the laws governing security issues involving Foreign, Federal, State, and Tribal case law and statutes governing the Internet. CIS 267 Intermediate Networking I (3CR) Fall. Pre: CIS 165 This course focuses on the following advanced IP addressing techniques: Network Address Translation (NAT), Port Address Translation (PAT), DHCP, WAN technology and terminology, PPP, ISDN, DDR, frame relay network management, and introduction to optical networking. CIS 268 Intermediate Networking II (3CR) Spring. Pre: CIS 267 This course focuses on the following advanced IP addressing techniques: Network Address Translation (NAT), Port Address Translation (PAT), DHCP, WAN technology and terminology, PPP, ISDN, DDR, frame relay network management, and introduction to optical networking. CIS 269 Enterprise Systems (3CR) Spring; Pre: None Explores how enterprise systems help companies integrate business function and improve business processes. CIS 275 Collaborative Technology (3CR) Spring. Pre: CIS 229 This course explores collaboration within an organization, including establishment and maintenance of a collaborative culture, virtual team development and member roles, collaborative communication, and collaborative tools and technology. CIS 281 Project Management (3CR) Spring. Pre: None Explains project management techniques used to effectively manage information technology projects with appropriate software.