DCB catalog 2022-24

104 Course Descriptions CIS 128 Microcomputer Hardware I (3CR) Spring; Pre: None Students learn the functionality of hardware and software components as well as suggested best practices in maintenance and safety issues. The students, through hands- on activities and labs will learn to assemble and configure a computer, install operating systems and software, troubleshoot hardware and software problems. In addition, this course helps students prepare for the CompTIA A+ certification. CIS 129 Microcomputer Hardware II (3CR) Spring; Pre: CIS 128 The second in the computer hardware series, this course offers advanced hands-on- training and theory to enhance skills introduced in CIS 128. Topics include printers, portable systems, networks, Internet, and customer interaction. Course content follows industry guidelines for certification. CIS 141 Introduction to Cybersecurity (3CR) Fall; Pre: None This course will introduce concepts related to cyber security. Students will learn safe practices which can be deployed to secure computer systems. Students will gain an understanding of different tools which can be used to defend against attacks on computer systems. Special emphasis will be given to systems and applications that non- CS majors will likely encounter in daily life. In addition to lecture classes, security lab exercises will be conducted to perform hands-on experiments on safe security practices. CIS 147 Principles of Information Security (3CR) Spring; Pre: None Provides students with an overview of personal and business information security. Topics covered include various methods of attack and defense. Students will also investigate desk- top security, internet security, wireless network security and enterprise security and ethics. CIS 164 Networking Fundamentals I (3 CR) Fall; Pre: None This course focuses on the following: network terminology and protocols, Local Area Networks (LANs), Wide Area Networks (WANs), Open System Interconnection, (OSI) models, cabling, cabling tools, routers, router programming, Ethernet, Internet Protocol (IP) addressing, network standards. The first of four courses leads to the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certifications. CIS 165 Networking Fundamentals II (3CR) Spring; Pre: CIS 164 This course focuses on the following: initial router configuration, Cisco IOS software management, routing protocol configuration, TCP/IP, and Access control lists (ACLs). Students will develop skills in configuring a router, managing Cisco IOS Software, con- figuring routing protocols, and creating access lists that control access to a router. CIS 180 Creating Web Pages (3CR) Fall; Pre: None The learner will create basic web sites by manually writing HTML/XHTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) using a text editor. The student will learn the fundamentals of site layout and design, and how to upload completed web sites to a remote server. Other skills used include critical thinking by solving problems with coding syntax and viewing websites “live” on the world wide web. CIS 181 Creating Web Pages II (3CR) Fall; Pre: CIS 180 Students create web sites using a current version of a graphical user interface (GUI) web authoring tool. CIS 188 Application Design (3CR) Fall; Pre: None This course introduces the field of human-computer interaction (HCI). Students will learn practical principles and guidelines needed to develop high quality interface designs-ones that users can understand, predict, and control. Students explore theoretical foundations, design processes, examples of direct manipulation, menu selection, and form fill-in to gain an understanding of excellence in design. Current HCI