DCB catalog 2022-24

122 Course Descriptions Limits, continuity, derivatives of functions of one variable, mean value theorem integration, fundamental theorem of calculus, applications. MATH 166 Calculus II (4CR) Spring; Pre: MATH 165 Applications and techniques of integration, polar equations, parametric equations, sequences and series, power series and applications. MATH 210 Elementary Statistics (4CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: ASC 93 or Appropriate Math Placement Test Score An introduction to statistical methods of gathering, presenting, and analyzing data. Topics include probability and probability distribution, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing and linear regression and correlation. MATH 265 Calculus III (4CR) Spring; Pre: Math 166 Multivariate and vector calculus including partial derivatives, multiple integration, applications, line and surface integrals, Green’s Theorem, Stoke’s Theorem, Divergence Theorem. MATH 266 Introduction to Differential Equations (3CR) Spring; Pre: MATH 265 Solution of elementary equations by elementary techniques. Laplace transforms, systems of equations, matrix methods, numerical techniques, and applications. MATH 277 Math for Elementary Teachers I (3CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: MATH 103 A mathematics content course for prospective elementary teacher. Topics include problem solving, numeration systems, real numbers, and elementary number theory. Calculators, computers, and manipulatives are used in the course. MATH 278 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II (2CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: MATH 277 Understand and apply mathematical concepts to the solution of problems. Mathematical content includes topics in geometry, measurement, algebra, graphing, functions, statistics, and probability. NURSING (NURS) NURS 100 Nurse Assistant Training (3 credits) Pre: None The Nurse Assistant Training program provides instruction and supervised clinical prac- tice to those preparing for employment as a nurse assistant in a skilled nursing facility, acute care, or home health care. NURS 120 Foundations of Nursing (3CR) Fall; Co: NURS 121, 122 Develop an understanding of the multidimensional base of nursing knowledge, including basic human needs, nursing process, nursing judgment, informatics, ethical and professional, health promotion and disease prevention concepts. Gain an understanding of the role of the practical nurse within the interdisciplinary team, the vital importance of communication while providing safe and quality client care, and how nurses use evidence-based information in their practice. NURS 121 Practical Nursing I (3CR) Fall; Co: NURS 120, 122 Explore three core concepts of health assessment, nutrition, and mental health as they relate to client care. Learn how the nurse incorporates this knowledge in caring for the diverse client from the moment they begin care for an individual to any point along the health-illness continuum. NURS 122 Clinical Practice I (3CR) Fall; Co: NURS 120, 121