DCB catalog 2022-24
Course Descriptions 119 This course is intended to prepare the vegetable producer with a marketing strategy necessary to compete in the wholesale market. HORT 281 Floral Retail and Management (2CR) Online; Pre: HORT 177 Floral Design I This course deals with owning and operation of a retail flower shop. Objectives are to make students aware of business challenges and to help develop a marketing prospective that meets consumer demands today. HORT 282 Garden Planning (2CR) Spring; Pre: None Garden Planning will explore the history of gardens and provide students with a back- ground in types of gardens. Students will gain experience in measuring plots, using color in the garden, choosing proper plants for the site and proper spacing of plants. Students will be required to design a formal and informal style garden for a residential site and a formal and informal garden for a public garden. HORT 296 Field Studies-Horticulture (1 to 3CR) Fall, Spring, Summer; Pre: Departmental Consent An intensive examination of a research topic in horticulture. The subject of investigation is designed to meet the specific needs of individual students on an independent study basis. HORT 298 Horticulture Practicum Fall (2CR) Fall; Pre: None Course provides students with hands-on experiences within the different aspects of the Horticulture Industry that happen primarily during the Fall. Students will apply concepts discussed in the various Horticulture courses offered in the Horticulture Program. Students will work directly with production, daily operations, and management in greenhouse technology, Specialty crops, hydroponics, aquaponics, pest management and herbaceous landscape. Course study will be based on common activities performed during the Fall season. HORT 298 Horticulture Practicum Spring (2CR) Spring; Pre: None Course provides students with hands-on experiences within the different aspects of the Horticulture Industry that happen primarily during the Spring. Students will apply concepts discussed in the various Horticulture courses offered in the Horticulture Program. Students will work directly with production, daily operations, and management in greenhouse technology, Specialty crops, hydroponics, aquaponics, pest management and herbaceous landscape. Course study will be based on common activities performed during the Spring season. HORT 298 Horticulture Practicum Summer (2CR) Summer; Pre: None Course provides students with hands-on experiences within the different aspects of the Horticulture Industry that happen primarily during the summer season. Students will apply concepts discussed in the various Horticulture courses offered in the Horticulture Program. Students will work directly with production, daily operations, and management in greenhouse technology, Specialty crops, hydroponics, aquaponics, pest management and herbaceous landscape. Course study will be based on common activities performed during the Summer season. HORT 299 Special Topics Local Foods (1CR) Spring; Pre: None This interactive class is a study of the current national and global issues regarding local foods, sustainability of our food supply and governmental issues concerning agriculture. Included in the class will be discussion of newspaper, magazine and media stories regarding national and international food and food production.
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