DCB catalog 2022-24

118 Course Descriptions HORT 151 Introduction to Plants and Pests (1CR); Online; Pre: None This course is an introduction to basic soil science, plant anatomy and physiology, diseases, and pests as it pertains to agricultural and ornamental plants. Students will learn basic plant growth, organization, function, adaptations, and reproduction along with basic soil composition and how it affects plant growth and health. HORT 152 Integrated Pest Management (2CR); Online; Pre: None This course provides students with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify various pests found in specialty crops. Subjects covered include – pest identification techniques, pest-scouting methods, sampling techniques, and economic thresholds. HORT 175 Foliage Plant ID (2CR); Fall; Pre: None Foliage Plant Identification is designed to give students a background to the tropical plants that are commonly sold in the floral and greenhouse industry. Students will learn to identify plants by common and scientific name and will learn how these plants can be used indoors and in the outdoor landscape. HORT 176 Cacti and Succulent ID (2CR); Fall; Pre: None Cacti and Succulent ID is designed to give students a background and history to one of the largest cacti and succulent collections in the US if not the world, located at the International Peace Gardens, Dunseith North Dakota. Students will study the difference between cacti and succulents, learn their names and what it takes to successfully grow them in a conservatory situation and in the home or workplace. HORT 181 Specialty Food Crops (2CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: None Production and physiological principles involved in growing fruit and vegetable crops will be discussed. Emphasis will be placed on plants suitable for marketing at roadside and farmers’ markets. HORT 182 Specialty Crop Farming (3CR) Fall; Pre: None This course will provide students with a clear perspective on vegetable farm management, field operations, soil fertility, season extension, pest management and marketing of sustainable agriculture in our local and global communities. Students will be introduced to sustainable agriculture focusing on production that renews resources. HORT 221 Aquaponics Management I (3CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: HORT 122 Course provides an overview of aquaponics management for designing and managing an aquaponics system including fish to plant ratio, feed to biological surface area (BSA), water quality maintenance, integrated pest management and biosecurity. HORT 222 Aquaponics Management II (2CR) Spring; Pre: HORT 221 Course gives students the necessary business and financial tools to start, maintain, and expand an aquaponics business. The course will include instructions on writing a business plan, business setting, recordkeeping and accounting, business analysis, budgets, and financial needs planning. HORT 243 Good Agricultural Practices (1CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: None Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) prevents the public from illness and protects farm businesses from the economic consequences of food contamination. Sanitary operational practices are necessary for the production of safe, wholesome vegetables. This course will discuss strategies that can be put in place to reduce the risk of microbial contamination on the farm. HORT 249 Greenhouse Operations (4CR) Spring; Pre: None Course will focus on the development, organization, infrastructure, and operation of production greenhouses while examining different greenhouse structures. Production techniques such as watering, fertilizing, growth regulators, and insect and disease identification and control will be covered. HORT 262 Specialty Crop Marketing (1CR) Online; Pre: None