DCB catalog 2020-22

136 Course Descriptions ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY (ENVT) ENVT 105 Surveying (1CR) Spring; Pre: None Basic methods in the use of surveying instruments for obtaining field data and valid measurement. ENVT 110 Introduction to GPS (2CR) Spring; Pre: None This course provides an overview of geographic positioning systems (GPS), including theory, implementation and operations of GPS data gathering systems. ENVT 255 Introduction to GIS (4CR) Spring; Pre: ENVT 110 This course covers underlying geographic concepts including world coordinate systems and projections, vector map topology, tiled and layered maps, standard computer map file formats, urban applications, and emphasis will be given to natural resource applications. This course also provides computer lab tutorials and case studies using the GIS software, ArcGIS 10 from Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). ENVT 270 Water Resource Management (4CR) Fall; Pre: None This course is designed to assist students in integrating the interdisciplinary aspects of the biological, chemical, and physical sciences into a holistic approach to managing water resources. Focus is on regulations, education, and best practices to protect and conserve water resources. ENVT 296 Capstone: Environmental Technology (1CR) Spring; Pre: Instructor approval and sophomore standing A problem-based learning experience that focuses on a multi-disciplinary approach to solving real world environmental problems. FISH AND WILDLIFE (FWLD) FWLD 121 Introduction to Fish and Wildlife Management (3CR) Fall; Pre: None Field and laboratory methods used in game management. Census methods, history of management in legislation, law enforcement and careers in wildlife management. FWLD 122 Wildlife and Fisheries Techniques (3CR) Spring; Pre: None Provide a basic understanding of the biological principles involved in wildlife management. Upland game, waterfowl, big game, fisheries, and non-game. FWLD 243 Ornithology (4CR) Spring; Pre: None An introduction to the biology, classification, and identification of birds. Students will be required to use binoculars in this class and must provide this equipment on their own. FWLD 260 Fish and Wildlife Law (3CR) Spring; Pre: None The course introduces students to laws that protect and conserve fish, wildlife, and natural resources including federal and state laws (primarily ND laws). Included are other jurisdictional laws such as tribal laws and laws concerning border crossings. This course will discuss how laws are created and enforced. The course will also study court cases involving wildlife laws. Instructional methods include lecture, class discussions, and guest speakers. FWLD 296 Field Studies-Wildlife (1 to 3 CR) Fall, Spring; Pre: Departmental Consent An intensive examination of a research topic in wildlife. The subject of investigation is designed to meet the specific needs of individual students on an independent study basis.