
Distance Education Comes in Many Forms

Distance Education Comes in Many Forms

Do you believe that higher education learning can happen outside of a college classroom? With around 150 classes and over twenty programs available at Dakota College at Bottineau, distance education is more than online learning. Distance education offers a variety of options at Dakota College at Bottineau. Students can take courses online without needing to attend the physical campus. High school students can take dual credit classes online or over Interactive Video Network (IVN) at their school. They can earn college credit and high school credit by taking just one course. This opportunity exists through the dual credit program at Dakota College.
A Lecture in Support of DCB’s Annual Book Read

A Lecture in Support of DCB’s Annual Book Read

Dakota College at Bottineau (DCB) Annual Campus Read program is excited to announce the November guest for the November 16th book-read event. Gooseneck Implement will present an informal, round table discussion at 12:00 noon and a repeat session at 7:00 pm in the Alumni Center located on the second floor of Thatcher Hall.
Dakota College Announces Jacks Coffee Blend

Dakota College Announces Jacks Coffee Blend

Dakota College at Bottineau is excited to announce they are serving coffee with their name on it, Jacks Lumberbrew. Trudy Marum, owner of Metigoshe Coffee House approached Dakota College last summer with the opportunity. Her coffee distributor, ND Coffee Roastery out of Grand Forks, ND provides colleges and universities a tasting to choose a coffee bean, name the blend and design a bag for their campus
Leaderjacks Sponsor Toy Drive

Leaderjacks Sponsor Toy Drive

LeaderJacks is a student leadership organization at Dakota College at Bottineau. The group was established for students from every program on campus to be involved. The focus of the organization is to develop leadership skills through community involvement.
New Century Workforce Pathway Scholar

New Century Workforce Pathway Scholar

New Century Scholar and scholarship recipient Shaelyn “Shae” Gebre, traveled to New York City for a recognition banquet sponsored by the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT), the Coca-Cola Foundation, and Phi Theta Kappa. She was among 48 award recipients for the 2021-2022 academic year.
ND Community Foundation Awards DCB Student

ND Community Foundation Awards DCB Student

Dakota College at Bottineau is excited to learn Tyjah Hornbacher, a first-year medical coding student at Dakota College has been awarded a scholarship by the ND Community Foundation. The North Dakota Community Foundation awarded more than $705,000 in over 400 scholarships to North Dakota students in 2022. The organization currently manages over 184 scholarship funds supported by North Dakotans, former residents and those interested in helping North Dakota students succeed.
Dakota College Nursing Program Receives Accreditation

Dakota College Nursing Program Receives Accreditation

Bottineau, ND - Dakota College at Bottineau received formal notice that the Associate Degree Program in Nursing delivered via distance education at Dakota College at Bottineau is accredited by the National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLN CNEA) located at 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20037. 202-909-2487.
Simone Selected for PTK Presidential Advisory Board

Simone Selected for PTK Presidential Advisory Board

Dakota College at Bottineau Campus Dean/CEO, Dr. Carmen M. Simone has been selected for the Presidential Advisory Board (PAB) for Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (Society). Phi Theta Kappa is the premier honor society for community college students in the United States. The Society is a student success organization focused on increasing student engagement, college completion, and career preparation. Their mission recognizes student academic achievement, and centers around improving student lives, personally, professionally, academically, and socially.
A Lecture in Support of DCB’s Annual Book Read

A Lecture in Support of DCB’s Annual Book Read

Dakota College at Bottineau (DCB) continues the Annual Campus Read program this fall. The Campus Read aims to inform students and the community about DCB’s campus focus: Nature, Technology, and Beyond. By reading a book that synthesizes the contributions different academic disciplines make to solving problems and answering questions, students learn about higher education’s role in solving serious problems that affect our community, the state, the region, the nation, and the globe. In addition, students learn how they can become part of an academic discipline and pursue a career that addresses the needs of today and tomorrow. This year’s title is 40 Chances: Finding Hope in a Hungry World by Howard G. Buffett.
Horticulture Student Adds New Skill

Horticulture Student Adds New Skill

No matter what stage in life you are, whether it is high school, college, or in the armed forces, there is always something new to be learned. This proves to be true for Dustin Gilseth, who is a Horticulture student at Dakota College at Bottineau. Dustin is from Langdon, ND, and is anticipated to graduate with his AAS in Horticulture with a concentration in Greenhouse Technology this spring.