
Successful Collaboration Between MSU and DCB

Successful Collaboration Between MSU and DCB

Dakota College at Bottineau (DCB) and Minot State University (MSU) collaborate to provide student instruction. Classes are held on the MSU campus with instructors hired by DCB. This is a unique collaboration providing students a certificate or associate degree from DCB with a seamless transfer to MSU to receive a four-year degree.
Health Profession Scholarship Recipients Announced

Health Profession Scholarship Recipients Announced

The Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota (BCBSND) Caring Foundation has awarded scholarships to twenty-six health profession students attending North Dakota colleges, universities or technical colleges.
DCB Library Offers Free Patron Access to Ancestry Library Edition

DCB Library Offers Free Patron Access to Ancestry Library Edition

Ancestry® Library Edition, distributed exclusively by ProQuest and powered by, delivers billions of records in census data, vital records, directories, photos, and more. Ancestry Library Edition brings the world’s most popular consumer online genealogy resource to Dakota College Library. Patrons have access to an unprecedented online collection of individuals from North America, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, and more.
Farm Business Management Instructor Hired for Minot Area

Farm Business Management Instructor Hired for Minot Area

Dakota College at Bottineau has hired a Farm Business Management instructor for the Minot area. Lynsey Aberle, a 2010 NDSU Graduate with a degree in Ag Economics and Animal Science officially started work in this position on October 1, 2018.
DCB Allied Health Programs Recognized

DCB Allied Health Programs Recognized

Affordable Colleges (ACO) is a leader in higher education information, resources and rankings and has recognized Dakota College at Bottineau (DCB)for offering one of the best online learning environments for health students in the county.
Students attend NDSFA Convention

Students attend NDSFA Convention

Dakota College at Bottineau (DCB) students and instructors escaped their daily routine at the North Dakota State Floral Association annual convention this month. With their line-up of talented designers, students and instructors refreshed their inspiration.