Young Women Camp on DCB Campus This Summer
Dakota College at Bottineau (DCB) announces a summer camp for high school-aged women to explore their interest in programs leading to nontraditional fields. Through a grant received from the ND Career and Tech Education, DCB is hosting a summer camp for young women to explore aquaculture and hydroculture programs.
Women are highly underrepresented in aquaculture and hydroculture careers such as aquaponics production, commercial greenhouse production, controlled agriculture environment, fisheries, aquatic system and hydroponic careers. The Young Women in Aquaculture and Hydroculture camp summer camp is open to all female between the ages of 15-18 interested in exploring these nontraditional fields.
Students will be housed and fed on DCB campus with transportation to and from the field and tour sites. Included in this three-day adventure is hands-on time exploring careers and opportunities for women. During the camp, tours of Aspen Aquaponics Farm, Audobon National Wildlife Refuge, and Garrison Dam National Fish Hatchery will be provided. A series of hands-on activities will allow the students to learn about careers in aquaculture and hydroculture while providing exposure to these careers. Some of the activities include geocaching at Lake Metigoshe State Park, construction of an outdoor aquaponics system, grilling out and special activities with the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
“We are excited to change perceptions and provide exposure to aquaculture and hydroculture careers for females at DCB.” Says Amy Koehler, Specialty Crop Instructor at DCB. “This opens doors for young women to learn new skills, have fun and potentially open up doors for careers in this area.”
Young women from everywhere are invited to join DCB June 11-13, 2019 for the three-day overnight fun, learning exploration of the many careers in aquaculture and hydroculture. The camp, sponsored by DCB and ND CTE, is free for young women ages 15-18. Complete details may be found at