News Releases

Students attend NDSFA Convention


Dakota College at Bottineau (DCB) students and instructors escaped their daily routine at the North Dakota State Floral Association annual convention this month. With their line-up of talented designers, students and instructors refreshed their inspiration.

Floral Design students, Janie Vandal and Audrey Gilbrath appreciated the beneficial learning experience with hands-on classes and presentations.  There were three fabulous designers this year and hands-on classes offered for bridal bouquets and little-known best practices to escape from the norm.

Audrey shared that it was nice to see someone who has succeeded in the industry she wants to go into and how they managed to turn their passion into a career.  “It was an honoring experience to be in the presence of such highly successful individuals.”

Audrey and Janie participated in the centerpiece competition. Their winning arrangement consisted of locally grown gladiolas, snap dragons, hydrangeas, zinnias and assorted daisies. Janie shared that the worldly renowned designers and presenters gave her motivation to want to try new arrangements.  The tips and presentations provided great career advice in life as well ascommunication styles.