News Releases

Minot Student Nurse Organization Gives Back


Class of 2018 - DCB-Minot PN & AD Students

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?" -Martin Luther King Jr.

The Dakota College at Bottineau Student Nurse Organization (SNO) of Minot has taken this message to heart. With a love for their city and its people, the student nurses have given their time and funds this school year.  SNO has donated over $2000 to local institutions both from fundraisers and from SNO's own funds.

$500 went to the Dakota Boys' & Girls' Ranch's new playground project, which was matched by the St. Joseph Foundation. Another $500 went toward a specialty chair for the Ranch's elementary school classroom.



Natalie Stevens AD student, Cody McMangial, Coordinator and Al Evon, Director – both Trinity Health Foundation and Elyssa Handlen AD student

SNO also donated $250 to the Trinity Health Foundation's turkey drive for the KHRT Horn of Plenty. The students have been helping pack and deliver boxes of food and gifts for Minot families in need.


Check presentation to PATH (Foster Service) Independent Living Program: Elyssa “Handlen AD student, Annie-Path Representative, Elli Nicolis PN student

SNO partnered with the Starving Rooster in Minot to host a fundraiser for PATH North Dakota, a nonprofit child and family services agency. Between SNO funds and the generosity of the people of Minot, household supplies and $1,120 were donated.

The student nurses collected 40 sleeper onesies for Trinity Health's NICU and donated $250 to the family who suffered the loss of their baby girl this winter.

The DCB student nurses of Minot do not plan to stop here. In 2019, they plan to purchase a brick for the tiger exhibit at the Roosevelt Park Zoo as a lasting memorial of this year's class. They will be hosting a fundraiser for the Dakota Hope Clinic and holding ice cream float sales at nursing homes and assisted living facilities around the community. These student nurses are grateful for the opportunity to study and learn in Minot and are eager to give back.

The DCB Student Nurse Organization at the Trinity Health 5th Ave. Minot site have taken time out of their study and family time to give back to the community. Dakota College at Bottineau (DCB) Practical Nursing students and Associate Degree Nursing students have truly demonstrated the core components of the nursing profession by being compassionate and caring to others.  The Dakota College at Bottineau nursing faculty are extremely proud of our student’s kindness and generosity they have shown by volunteering in community events and fundraising activities per Dawn Romfo MSN RN- Nursing program director.
