News Releases

Distance Education Comes in Many Forms


Do you believe that higher education learning can happen outside of a college classroom? With over one hundred classes and over twenty programs available at Dakota College at Bottineau, distance education is more than online learning. Distance education offers a variety of options at Dakota College at Bottineau. Students can take courses online without needing to attend the physical campus. High school students can take dual credit classes online or over Interactive Video Network (IVN) at their school. They can earn college credit and high school credit by taking just one course. This opportunity exists through the dual credit program at Dakota College.

Whether the course is taught over IVN in a classroom or online, distance education is a convenient opportunity for high school students. Students who meet the requirements can take certain courses for both high school and college credit to obtain a degree or take a class. In some schools, students may take courses at their own high school from one of their own teachers.

Designed for high school students, Dakota College at Bottineau offers the Leading to Education and Advanced Preparation (LEAP) program, allowing students to earn a college certificate alongside their high school diploma. Saving students time and money, students may earn 24 general education college credits while in high school by taking two courses from Dakota College during each semester of their junior and senior year. This program launched during the Fall 2017 semester and has graduated 41 students. Dakota College provides an abundance of opportunities for students interested in taking courses or an entire program online.

Dakota College has been ranked as one of the best and most affordable colleges offering online degree programs. Students may earn a full degree entirely online as distance education provides flexibility and convenience. Students can take classes at almost any location receiving individualized attention as class sizes are small. Darcie, an online student shares, “I was looking to find a way to further my education for the benefit of myself and my family. Dakota College at Bottineau was the perfect fit for me. I am currently a full-time student through DCB obtaining my Associates Degree in Advertising and Marketing through their online program.”

When pursuing distance education, some of the benefits students realize are:

  • Flexibility class schedules to work around personal schedules
  • No travel required to and from classes
  • Scheduling class time around family responsibilities and personal obligations

DCB participates in NC-SARA (National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements). This agreement establishes comparable national standards for interstate offering of distance education. State and federal laws are followed to authorize online degree programs in ND along with other state locations.

The Director of Distance Education at Dakota College at Bottineau is available to provide further information to anyone who is looking into distance education. For more information call 701-228-5479 or email

