Dakota College Announces High School Photo Contest Results
With some seriously talented high school students, there were 113 submissions. The 2023 top prize winners include:
- 1st place: Elliott Lang, age 16 will be a junior at Legacy High School, Bismarck
- 2nd place: Tessa Kinney
- 3rd place: Riley Sundhagen
- People’s Choice: Ayden Olson
Six judges had the challenge of choosing the top 25 entries for the exhibit and the three prize winners. First place received a Canon camera along with a $500 scholarship to DCB, second place received a $750 DCB scholarship and third a $500 scholarship. The top 25 were displayed at DCB this spring for a public viewing. The judges use an objective numbering system to determine the prize winners.
- All the photos are assigned a number, to keep the images anonymous.
- Every judge chooses their favorite images independently for rounds 1, 2, and 4.
- Every time an image is selected by a judge for any of the three rounds, it is awarded one point.
- The photographers, and the individual photos, are ranked according to their total points.
- The three photographers with the most points are awarded the prizes.
You can view all the images and results on the DCB Photography Facebook page.