Chamber Scholastic Awards Held

Recipients (listed in order on photo, L to R) Koylynn Gulliford, Coaldale, CO, Whitni Peck, Bottineau, ND, Loukas Triantis, Sydney, Australia, Karyssa Watson, Rocanville, SK, Fallon Kramer, Killarney, MB, William Patmore, MB, Dustin Gilseth, Langdon, Not pictured: Michelle Landsverk, Crosby ND, Jessica Mcinnes Gee -- Minnedosa, MB, Bradley Medlang, Bottineau
This spring marks the 64th Annual Scholastic Award Program. Hosted by the Bottineau Area Chamber of Commerce, recognition is given to area students for their academic success. There were ten Dakota College at Bottineau (DCB) students recognized last week at the Bottineau Public School James Holwell Auditorium. DCB students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.7 or higher, be enrolled full-time, have earned a minimum of 40 credits from DCB, and are on track to graduate in spring 2023 with an associate-level degree. In addition, the student’s extracurricular and co-curricular activities are taken into consideration. The academic achievements of some exceptionally bright and talented students were recognized by Kayla O’Toole, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Dr. Carmen Simone, Campus Dean.
Congratulations to the ten students from Dakota College and those students from Bottineau High School for their dedication and commitment to scholastic excellence.