Bottineau Student Nurse Organization Gives Back
Bottineau SNO presenting check to Turtle Mountain Cancer group
Bottineau SNO presenting check to Bottineau County Social Services
Student nursing organization (SNO) is an organization made up of future nurses that helps facilitate the growth of caring, compassionate, and giving nurses. Dakota College at Bottineau’s SNO has given back to their local community this fall, and continues to do so. This semester we donated school supplies to pack for backpacks and gave to those that were in need. SNO hosted a blood drive at DCB hoping for 14 donations and ended up with 25. During the blood drive, a bake sale was held with goodies that SNO members made. The baked goods were free, but donations were encouraged as all proceeds went to the Turtle Mountain Cancer Society. Bottineau has an annual lighting of the Christmas tree, and our organization helped raise money for kids that lost everything in the California fires. Lastly, we held a raffle that raised money. All proceeds were split; half going to the organization to give back to the community, and half to the students for travel expenses as each nursing student has to travel a considerable amount to learn and apply the nursing skills learned in school. Overall, this semester was very rewarding to be able to help others and helps a person realize how good it feels to be able to give back to the community in which they live in.