
DCB Space Grant Scholarship Recipients Announced

DCB Space Grant Scholarship Recipients Announced

The North Dakota Space Grant Consortium, under the direction of the University of North Dakota, made available $7,000 in scholarship funds to students at Dakota College at Bottineau. These funds were awarded to students who show promise in the areas of science, technology, engineering or math (STEM).
DCB Recognizes 2019 Leap Graduates

DCB Recognizes 2019 Leap Graduates

Dakota College at Bottineau (DCB) is proud to announce the LEAP (Leading to Education and Advanced Preparation) program graduates. Designed for high schools, LEAP allows high school students to earn a Certificate of College Studies alongside their high school diploma. This spring DCB graduates 18 students from eight high schools in North Dakota; Bottineau, Drake, Mohall-Lansford-Sherwood, Newburg, Our Redeemers, Rugby, Westhope and homeschool. Each graduate will be acknowledged as a high school and college graduate at their high school commencement exercise.
DCB ECH Announces Two Filled Positions

DCB ECH Announces Two Filled Positions

Entrepreneurial Center for Horticulture (ECH) is happy to introduce a new Farm Manager, Apryl Nylander and temporary Assistant Farm Manager, Janie Vandal.
DCB Announces Conservation Award Recipient

DCB Announces Conservation Award Recipient

The annual Dakota College at Bottineau “DCB Conservation Award” will be presented on Wednesday, April 24 at 10:00 A.M. in the Alumni Center - Thatcher Hall. This award is given during the school’s annual Earth Day Celebration. The award presentation will conclude with a ceremonial planting of an Earth Day tree on the campus.
Abrahamson Receives All-ND Academic Team Recognition

Abrahamson Receives All-ND Academic Team Recognition

Dakota College at Bottineau (DCB) student, Alex Abrahamson, St. John ND has been named to the 2019 All-North Dakota Academic Team, which recognizes the academic achievements of community college students across North Dakota. Alex, along with the 12 other North Dakota community college students, were honored at a dinner and awards ceremony on March 19 at Bismarck State College.