NDUH2SRE Headcounts by Acad Area-Plan-Gender |
6/12/19 |
NDUH2SRG Enrollment Totals by State-County |
6/12/19 |
NDUH2SRI Unit Hrs by Academic-Crs Levels |
6/12/19 |
NDUH2SRK Compliance Report |
6/12/19 |
NDUH2SRM IPEDS Program Enrollment |
6/12/19 |
NDUH2SRN Enrollment Sumary of Students by Age |
6/12/19 |
NDUH2SRR E-learning Non-degree credit Headcount by Delivery Method |
6/12/19 |
NDUH2SRS Credit Hrs by Acad Group-Subject-Gender |
6/12/19 |
NDUH2SRT Credit Hrs by Acad Grp-Crs Level |
6/12/19 |
NDUH2SRU Headcounts by Class & Credit Load |
6/12/19 |
NDUH2SRZ Distance Education Status Report |
6/12/19 |
NDUH2SRX NDU Full-Time On-Campus Report |
6/12/19 |
NDUH2SRD Student Data Statistics |
6/12/19 |
NDUH2SRJ Headcounts by Institution & Gender |
6/12/19 |
NDUH2SRA Headcounts & FTE Enrollments |
6/12/19 |
NDUH2SRL Residence of First time Freshman |
6/12/19 |