Zahra Moss

Dr. Zahra M. Moss

Social Science - Arts Instructor
Bottineau Faculty
HLC Highly Qualified
TH 2209

About Zahra

Hello! My name is Dr. Zahra M. Moss and I am a native of Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico. I am an avid Historian and enjoy working with material culture and artifacts in Museums. I am a twice awarded Smithsonian Fellow, and I did research over the course of six months at the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. between 2009-2010. This experience was extraordinary! I try and include material culture, geography and art in most if not all my courses. Students at DCB can choose from a variety of course offerings in person or online and explore History in fun and exciting new ways. On campus I advise the local chapter of Phi Theta Kappa honor society and coordinate culturally driven education initiatives and events. If you have some free time, swing by my office, I’d love to chat.

  • PhD History, Minors: Women and Gender Studies and Art History
    University of Arizona
    Certificate in Museum Studies December 2009
    Degree Conferred 08/2012
  • MA History, Minor: Women and Gender Studies
    University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    Degree Conferred 08/2007
  • BA Secondary Education, Minor: History
    University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras
    Degree Conferred 02/2005
Classes Taught On Campus & Online
  • HIST 103: US History to 1867
  • HIST 104: US History from 1867
  • HIST 220: History of North Dakota
  • HIST 224: American Studies
  • ART 210: Art History I
  • ART 211: Art History II
Previous Courses Offered
  • U.S. History 1865-Present
  • U.S. History Between the Wars
  • Latin American History Through American Film
  • The Latino Image in American Film
  • U.S. Foreign Relations 1914-Present
  • History of Modern Mexico through Film
  • “David Tineo as Cultural Activist.” Essay on the artists involvement in local Chicano politics. Exhibition catalogue in artist’s retrospective. Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ.
  • “¡Viva Mexico! World’s Fair Exhibits, Souvenirs and the Shaping of Collective Consciousness.” Studies in Latin American Popular Culture Ed. Vol. 28 (2010) University of Texas Press.
Curriculum Vitae
