Apply for Admission


Application for admission and $35.00 nonrefundable application fee. Apply for admission by clicking the button below.

Please be aware that if your debit or credit card payment is not working you will need to select the pay by check option to submit. To then pay, please mail the application fee or call the Business Office to pay by phone at 701-228-5430.


Official transcript from an accredited or state-approved high school* or GED report. Transfer students also need to submit official transcripts of all previous academic work from each institution attended.

*In the event DCB has reason to believe a high school diploma is not valid or was not obtained from an entity providing secondary school education, DCB will conduct additional research to determine if the diploma is valid.

Official test results from the American College Test (ACT) or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The results will be used for advisement and placement purposes. ACT results are not required however applicants who have not taken one of these exams may be subject to taking a placement exam based on their program’s curriculum. Learn more on our placement page by clicking here.


Evidence of immunization against measles, mumps and rubella and meningococcal disease for students attending classes on campus. For more information please visit the Health Services Page.


Apply for Housing
All full-time unmarried students under the age of 21 who do not have dependents residing with them are required to live and board in college housing. Students who live at home with their parents or legal guardians and commute to school are exempt but must file a commuter form. Click here to learn more about Housing Requirements.


Apply for Financial Aid
To apply for state and federal financial aid you must complete the FAFSA and list Dakota College at Bottineau (Federal School Code 002995).

Apply for a Scholarship
Complete the Dakota College at Bottineau scholarship application.
The priority deadline for Scholarships is March 15.


Mail your materials to:

Dakota College at Bottineau
105 Simrall BLVD
Bottineau, ND 58318

Contact Us


Leslie Ostreim

Recruitment Specialist
(701) 228-5675


Kendra Metcalfe

Admissions and Marketing Coordinator
(701) 228-5462


Alexis Bedlion

Admissions Specialist
(701) 228-5487